Gameover framework
This framework can be used to develop games or ui application based on LibGDX The code is developed with scala 2.11.12 and has dependencies with LibGDX 1.9.8 The code is available on Github
Use the framework
Jar and source are available on Sonatype repository. With maven, add dependency:
With gradle, add dependency:
dependencies {
compile "io.github.gameover-fwk_2.11:gameover-fwk:0.2.6"
With SBT, add dependency:
libraryDependencies += "io.github.gameover-fwk" %% "gameover-fwk" % "0.2.6"
- A trait LibGDXHelper to help the usage of libgdx in classes. The trait contains a class for implicit conversion from LibGDX Array ti a class supporting scala functional programming (map, flatMap, filter…)
- A definition of A* path-finding algorithm and a simple implementation for 2D games
- A graphic resources loader which support reloading on the fly
- A Shader memory helper to easily activate/disabled shaders
- An extension of TileMapRenderer to enabled fake perspective in 2D games
- An action holder trait with several implementation to manage input action from keyboard or from UI
- An object pool trait and some implementation for most used libgdx class (Vector2, Rectangle…)
- Some missing math, gfx, polygons utilities
See Release notes for a list of changes between versions
Build framework and deploy on local repository
To build the framework, just run gradle task:
gradlew clean build
to publish on a local Maven repository, run:
gradlew publishToMavenLocal
The framework is under MIT License (MIT) The framework was created by Olivier MARTIN Authors and contributors are listed in file contributors.txt in the root of the project. Feel free to submit your Pull Request!